for flexible applications

Electron Beam Guidance Software

The beam gui­dance sys­tem is an elec­tro­nic unit for con­trol­ling and mo­ni­to­ring the elec­tron beam of an elec­tron beam gun by me­ans of elec­tro­ma­gne­tic len­ses and de­flec­tion coils.

It con­sists of an in­dus­tri­al PC, a beam gui­dance base unit, a con­t­rol con­so­le and as­so­cia­ted beam gui­dance soft­ware.

Would you like to learn more? Then take a look at the brochure, or contact us directly.

VA BCOS is MS Win­dows-ba­sed beam gui­dance soft­ware and per­for­mes the fol­lo­wing tasks:

  • Control of up to 8 electron beam guns
  • Generation of deflection figures
  • Generation of deflection sequences
  • Management of technological process sequences (recipes)
  • Continuous beam deflection with simultaneous adjustment of shape, position, size and dwell time of individual deflection figures
  • Adjustment of electron beam focusing
  • Display and data recording of all process-relevant operating parameters
  • Transmission of data
  • Interface for external access via internet connection

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Jana Schilling

Technical Sales ManagerVON ARDENNE GmbH
